Super Bowl commercials vs lean marketing strategy
As far as lean marketing strategy goes, you can probably not get farther away from the whole concept than Super Bowl commercials. They are very antithesis of everything about lean.
As far as lean marketing strategy goes, you can probably not get farther away from the whole concept than Super Bowl commercials. They are very antithesis of everything about lean.
Is investment strategy the reason behind why very few businesses succeed while most of them fail?
The title of this post may sound harsh. But sometimes the truth hurts. And when it comes to your startup strategy, that’s a good thing. You need a good business model more than you need a good product or service. Fact. Yes, you have of course heard of Alexander Osterwalder’s famous Business Model Canvas.
Ever since Sean Ellis coined the term “Growth Hacker” back in 2010 the concept of growth hacking has become an important buzzword in the domain of digital marketing and startup growth strategies.
Beware of the business model. It can be the difference between a roaring success and a spectacular failure. Fact.