How Venture Capital can reverse the great Greek brain drain
Can Venture Capital really end the Greek brain drain? The short answer, in our humble opinion, is yes.
Can Venture Capital really end the Greek brain drain? The short answer, in our humble opinion, is yes.
The big moment for Greece’s finalist in the global startup competition Chivas Venture is here. That’s right, online voting is open and you can help TOBEA, inventors of the SEATRAC system which helps people with mobility issues to access the sea, to win.
Washington DC, March 2018. My second time there and on this occasion the reason is the completion of my Marshall Memorial Fellowship by the German Marshall Fund of the United States.
It’s official. Our very own CEO and Co-founder at Starttech Ventures Dimitris Tsingos is now a member of the Marshall Memorial Fellowship (MMF).
Equifund Athens. Two words which signal an unprecedented development for Greek startups, the country itself and all of the East Mediterranean. Proof if ever it was needed (it isn’t) that investment is alive and kicking here.
If you are asking yourself that question, then you are already a daring entrepreneur going for something you truly believe in. Or at least we at Starttech Ventures hope so.
Innovation in a time of economic crisis means that Greek startups need daring, maverick entrepreneurs. But the ecosystem also needs innovative, risk-taking investors, who look beyond the confines of the local market.
The short answer to the above question is no. Surprised? Well you shouldn’t be. Let me give you the long answer on this always-hot topic for startups. “Young people are just smarter,” said a certain Mark Zuckerberg in 2007. Yes, but that doesn’t necessarily make them more successful entrepreneurs.
At Starttech Ventures we have a firm belief in the amazing investment opportunities available in the East Mediterranean. Our reasoning is simple.
Capital efficiency. It’s almost become a dirty phrase in recent years. A lost art, if you like.
What did they Angel Investor say to the VC firm? “We’re not so different you and I.”And you know, something. It’s not at all far from the truth.
Starttech Ventures will be in Cape Town, South Africa this time round. We’re taking part in the 4th annual African Angel Investor Summit – #AAIS20174.