The product development backlog isn’t your road-map
The development backlog is not your road-map. The road-map is a visualization of the strategic product plan, which in turn drives the [product] development backlog.
The development backlog is not your road-map. The road-map is a visualization of the strategic product plan, which in turn drives the [product] development backlog.
As a startup, whether or not you have a specific vertical market strategy will depend heavily on your business model – and business plan.
Startup life is often a life of uncertainty, uneasiness. But it’s also a life of great excitement and achievement. What does Agile development have to do with it?
Success. It can be an elusive beast. It can also be an obsession – just like your product. The important thing is to accept the fact that you may very well fail (and fail fast) before you succeed.
As a startup, you may daily have good or horrible ideas, great visions, a strong sense of mission and commitment. And you’re working on your product. But what is your product, really? To understand that, let’s talk about business model considerations.
The title of this post may sound harsh. But sometimes the truth hurts. And when it comes to your startup strategy, that’s a good thing. You need a good business model more than you need a good product or service. Fact. Yes, you have of course heard of Alexander Osterwalder’s famous Business Model Canvas.
In this post I’ll elaborate a bit further on the specific kind of B2B software solutions we invest in, and plan to continue investing in, in the future.
Beware of the business model. It can be the difference between a roaring success and a spectacular failure. Fact.