Why a mission statement is important for a successful startup
Lean startup, business model; all, important concepts on the journey from idea to startup. But there’s one more thing. Your mission statement.
Lean startup, business model; all, important concepts on the journey from idea to startup. But there’s one more thing. Your mission statement.
Product-market fit? Make sure there are customers that have the problem you’re aiming to solve, that they care to solve it and they’ll want your solution.
Some people are born leaders, some achieve leadership, and some have leadership thrust upon them. In the startup world, what’s steering the ship?
What is the first milestone you need to achieve once you’ve set up shop for your startup? Problem-solution fit, of course! Get some steady footing!
It’s the best time of the year to be setting new goals. Our new internal masterclass has just begun to add to our Quantum Computing courses for startups.
You’ve probably realized that being successful with content marketing without writing any content is nothing more than a mirage. How’s it done then?
Product development is disappointingly isolated from other business operations? Shift your focus and get your startup from product to business development.
As with everything in life, there’s no secret recipe in developing a successful startup. But there are some tricks of the trade to help you get there.
It’s hard to imagine someone so young in this type of game. There needs to be a great deal of experience to work on a startup, right? No, not necessarily!
Over the last 12 years I got my B.Sc, on to an M.Sc and, finally, a Ph.D. A magical journey, but how is the Lean Startup approach related to all this?
Working under pressure and to tight deadlines is highly likely going to be your permanent working status, If your intention is becoming an entrepreneur.
We’ve learnt why businesses would elect to go down the path of outsourcing certain business aspects. Now, lets find out how outsourcing affects startups.