Get your startup from product to business development
Product development is disappointingly isolated from other business operations? Shift your focus and get your startup from product to business development.
Product development is disappointingly isolated from other business operations? Shift your focus and get your startup from product to business development.
As with everything in life, there’s no secret recipe in developing a successful startup. But there are some tricks of the trade to help you get there.
It’s hard to imagine someone so young in this type of game. There needs to be a great deal of experience to work on a startup, right? No, not necessarily!
Over the last 12 years I got my B.Sc, on to an M.Sc and, finally, a Ph.D. A magical journey, but how is the Lean Startup approach related to all this?
Working under pressure and to tight deadlines is highly likely going to be your permanent working status, If your intention is becoming an entrepreneur.
We’ve learnt why businesses would elect to go down the path of outsourcing certain business aspects. Now, lets find out how outsourcing affects startups.
To outsource or not outsource? For us, there is no dilemma at all. A startup reacts entirely differently to outsourcing than a standard business would.
Getting your first paying customer? This 1st sale notification you’re waiting for, seems like what dreams are made of. Be patient! It’s around the corner!
The 10th Panorama of Entrepreneurship and Career Development, opens up great opportunities for young people as a digital conference, on July 11-15. Join us!
Hiring your startup’s first employee. Οne of the scariest and most exciting aspects of making the leap from solopreneur to full-blown startup founder.
Software developers into entrepreneurs? Sure! But there needs to be a shift in mentality throughout the team. A shift from project to product mindset.
Getting you startup to break even. It can seem like THE major landmark for most startups to celebrate and say “we’ve made it”. Or, is it?