Launching HeBAN, the Hellenic Business Angel Network
Finally a number of stakeholders joined forces to create HeBAN, the Greek advocacy organization for early stage investments.
Finally a number of stakeholders joined forces to create HeBAN, the Greek advocacy organization for early stage investments.
During his tenure as a Professor and Rector of the University he was a force for change that brought forth great progress despite the hostility of the complacent status quo that culminated in a badly orchestrated attack by the yellow press.
‘It’s all about the people’. Only people can make the difference.
EBAN’s ‘Best European Business Angel Week Initiative’ Annual Award for the Business Angel awareness events
This partnership aims to offer our clients and all interested IT professionals a rigorous, proven curriculum on designing, planning and managing OpenStack clouds that will cover all of their cloud training needs.
Berlin as International Business & Entrepreneurship Hub in a Global Competitive Environment
Distributed dynamic web service composition
Being an entrepreneur and especially a startup founder, is all about having a perfect timing, managing your team, making disparate elements play well together
Any successful strategy for handling the economic crisis will have to be centred on large scale job creation
You cannot build a Silicon Valley on charity ― it’s bad for business, and it’s bad for those who really need charity.
Workshop to to share best practices and experience from the international business angels scene and to kick-start the process of creating an active business angels network in Athens
EBAW is the result of a major cross-European collaboration, with 34 participating countries organising 138 events, with the support, of among others, YES and the Hellenic Start-up Association.