The Rise of NewSpace Economy
The space race has evolved into a new competitive landscape driven by space companies that offer various products and services that contribute to the wider development of space exploration.
The space race has evolved into a new competitive landscape driven by space companies that offer various products and services that contribute to the wider development of space exploration.
Sales has always been more than just numbers –it’s about understanding people, building relationships, and finding the motivation to push forward, even in the face of rejection. But while sales is the beating heart of any company, the profession often carries an unfair social stigma.
The profit motive, or the drive to make earnings from business activity, is ultimately, the driving force of capitalism, creating a competitive environment. However, entrepreneurs within this system are not always solely driven by the profit motive – entrepreneurs provide the creative force capitalism (free enterprise) needs to work.
Much ink has been spilled on the importance of first hires. The first people you get on board that help your business get off the ground.
Over the last 12 years I got my B.Sc, on to an M.Sc and, finally, a Ph.D. A magical journey, but how is the Lean Startup approach related to all this?
Systems’ automation is a key ingredient to help us be at ease when it comes time for growth towards mainstream markets. And what better way to go about it, than using Artificial Intelligence?
How does an idea evolve from a thought to an action? Which are the right paths to make a product known to the world? The answers come from an office in Greece, whose people possess a global mindset in digital marketing.
To intern or not to intern. It’s a question many new, fresh-faced graduates are faced with, but before you make any decisions, you would do well to consider interning at a startup accelerator.
Designers & developers, developers & designers, it’ll never work. But what about when a startup’s success rests heavily on them coming together?
In the realm of brand identity design, sometimes there is a certain expectation from a piece of commissioned visual communication work.
What’s it like in the fast lane of the global insurance market? This week’s Startup life Q&A series: We sit down with Pakia CEO George Kripotos to find out.
Learning. It’s a lifelong pursuit for all of us. We never stop. And in my humble opinion that can only be a good thing.