Last weekend, we had the incredible opportunity to attend Founders Weekend, organized by Eleven Ventures, for the #Oneof11 community. This event wasn’t just another conference—it was an enriching experience that left a meaningful impact on both of us and everyone who participated.

Reflecting on Eleven Ventures Founders Weekend: A Gathering of Innovation, Growth, and Community

Founders Weekend was a space for learning, sharing, and creating connections. Over the course of four days, more than 110 founders, mentors, and friends came together to collaborate, support each other, and have some fun.

Throughout the weekend, we dove deep into some of the most crucial aspects of building and scaling successful companies. Expert-led sessions covered topics ranging from structuring and motivating high-performing sales teams to the power of storytelling in building your own audience. We explored the delicate art of navigating exits, hearing firsthand from founders who’ve successfully sold their businesses. Leadership was another major focus, we talked about emotional intelligence, self-awareness and also about the habits that hold us back!

We also took a step back to understand the bigger picture, with thought-provoking discussions on the macroeconomic environment and the shifting geopolitical landscape, both of which have a profound impact on how we lead our companies in an increasingly interconnected world. Each session brought new insights and practical takeaways that will shape our strategies going forward, but more than that, they served as a reminder that while the entrepreneurial journey can be tough, we’re not in it alone.

The essence of Founders Weekend, however, went beyond the formal sessions. It was about the relationships we built and the honest conversations we had. In a world where the pace of entrepreneurship often leaves little room for reflection, these moments were priceless. Whether it was discussing strategy over coffee (and perhaps a bit of ouzo!) or talking about our personal challenges in a fireside chat, we both walked away from the weekend with a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.

As we reflect on Founders Weekend, we are reminded of a quote: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” This sentiment perfectly captures the spirit of the event. The weekend wasn’t just about networking or learning new skills—it was about forming deep, meaningful bonds with people who are on the same journey. People who understand the highs and lows, and who are there to celebrate your wins and support you through the challenges.

One of the most valuable aspects of the weekend was how the discussions and insights resonated with the venture-building approach we follow at StartTech. As a company focused on early-stage B2B SaaS startups, we pride ourselves on combining strategic investment with hands-on support. This approach was reaffirmed during the sessions at Founders Weekend. At StartTech, we’ve seen firsthand how crucial it is to embed lean methodologies and customer-centric strategies right from the prototype phase, helping startups navigate the often-turbulent early stages of growth. The emphasis on community-driven support also reinforced our belief in the value of collaboration—something we champion through our in-house team and extensive network of advisors and partners.

This weekend reminded us that while entrepreneurship can be challenging, having the right ecosystem and resources can make all the difference. It’s this shared vision of community and practical support that continues to drive our work at StartTech.

We left the event feeling inspired and energized, with a notebook full of ideas and a heart full of gratitude for the incredible people we met. Founders Weekend wasn’t just a retreat; it was a reminder that we don’t have to walk the entrepreneurial path alone.

To Eleven Ventures and the #Oneof11 community, and everyone who made this weekend possible—thank you. We can’t wait to see where our shared journey takes us next.

Aliki Mountricha

Iro Tsakiri