We are delighted to host a two-hour lecture on the topic of “Τα δύο θεωρήματα του Gödel: το θ. πληρότητας και το θ. μη-πληρότητας” (Gödel’s Two Theorems: the Completeness Theorem and the Incompleteness Theorem) on June 11th from 17:00 to 19:00 in the multi-use space on the 2nd floor.

Gödel’s Two Theorems: the Completeness Theorem and the Incompleteness Theorem.

Around 1930, the young Gödel published two theorems on the subject of ‘logic,’ which caused a seismic shift in the fields they touched. According to the majority opinion, they were the most seismic event in 20th-century mathematics. Their content has a distinctly philosophical character that continues to be discussed. The presentation concerns these two results, not from a technical standpoint, but from the perspective of what questions they addressed and what impact the answers had. Both relate to language and logic and have a profound, indelible, and yet indescribable impact…”

When: Tuesday Jun 11, 2024 ⋅ 5pm – 7pm (Eastern European Time – Athens)
Location: Starttech Ventures, Likourgou 1, Athina 105 51, Greece

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