Interested in moving to Greece and working at a Greek company? Now, you can! Starttech Ventures has launched a global competition to attract skilled workers to Greek start-ups. Those with the required skills can win a job at a start-up in Athens. They will also receive support in relocating to Greece.

Founded in January 2012, Starttech Ventures is one of the World’s first professional Venture Builders. Based in Europe and headquartered in Athens, Greece, we build on great successes, such as AbZorba Games, Epignosis and Yodeck. We specialize in early stage B2B SaaS companies and we focus on founders from the Eastern Mediterranean and SE Europe.
To get things running, we need good, skilled people, in the right mindset, to stay with one of our startups for many years to come. As it turns out, there are lots of like-minded people outside of Greece. We appreciate that and we’d like to welcome some of them on our team!
But, why are we running a global competition?
We ran a recruitment feasibility survey
Yes, indeed! We conducted a survey, which showed that Greek start-ups find it extremely difficult to recruit the talent they need.
According to the survey report, Greek start-ups are restricted in their growth due to difficulties finding the right people to fill their vacant positions. That is why we are launching a global competition to win a job and free legal and administrative support in obtaining an EU visa
says Dimitris Tsingos, founder of Starttech Ventures.
What did our survey show?
Let’s go through the highlights:
- Nearly 70 percent of the companies we surveyed expect to employ more than ten people during the coming year
- Most 30 percent of the companies expect to hire more than five people.
- Half of the companies rate the difficulty of finding suitable applicants an eight or more on a scale of one to ten.
- About 60 percent of the companies have chosen not to fill open positions due to a lack of qualified applicants.
This means there is a real opportunity for skilled workers to relocate to Greece and work for Greek start-ups
says Dimitris Tsingos.
Let’s make it easy for everyone!
All applicants will go through a process of interviews and online assessment. After that, ten people will win a job and receive financial support and guidance to relocate to Greece with their families. We will support them all the way.
The basic requirements are to have the software and programming skills that our start-ups are looking for and to know enough English to communicate on a work-based level.
Still, we need to help everyone make the decision. We need to walk them through the process. And, that’s why we’ve organized a webinar, where we’ll cover all the bases regarding the process of taking care of all the pertinent formalities and relocating to Greece. It’s a relatively straightforward 7 step process; but we’d still like to walk, just to make sure that you don’t have any questions. We’ll also share our findings from the survey, regarding job opportunities in Greece.
Our online webinar, titled “Opportunities to Work in Greece”, is going to be happening on Zoom, on:
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (Europe/Athens time)
Our CEO, Dimitris Tsingos will be discussing everything you need to know, every step of the way. We’ve even got some surprise speakers from Greek startups, who will answer any additional questions from your point of view, as peers.
Hurry up and book your place now!