Well-being at work. It’s one of our key goals, both for ourselves internally and our portfolio companies.

And our very own running team is continuing to focus on what has become a great habit – running, and running. So, please, allow us to indulge ourselves with some well-deserving praise, for how well our various team members are flying the well-being at work flag – and then some.
The marathons and other running event types have been coming thick and fast for everyone. But in true Starttech style, they continue to take things confidently in their collective stride. It is a major part of our culture and philosophy, after all.
“Anima Startup In Corpore Startup”. Remember this? If not, refresh your memory by reading the relevant post. In any case it’s all about having a healthy body and healthy mind.
Starttech Runners redefining well-being at work
Before we get onto the latest achievements of our runners from Starttech, Yodeck, Stackmasters, Veturilo, Pakia and Epignosis, let’s have a quick recap. Why do we run?
Basically, we see running as a way to stay fit, productive and creative
It is as simple as stating that entrepreneurship cannot be a single dimensional professional activity. More than this, it’s a way of life. And exercising plays a vital role. That is, in making sure that your body and mind stay fresh, sharp and creative.
This may not be ground breaking news. But the point is we take it one step further. Teaming up with ScienceTraining.gr, we offer free endurance training coaching for all our employees and startup collaborators. Lead by leading marathon/triathlon coach Aris Myrkos, we try to offer the very best in fitness coaching for endurance training. If you think about it, the similarities between endurance training and the journey from an idea to startup and then scale-up are, indeed, strikingly similar.
Who are the Starttech Runners?
Good question. In reality the team doesn’t have a fixed size and/or personnel. Everyone is free to take part in running events that our company participates in. Each member is free to suggest a new upcoming running event. Perhaps, one that will give us the opportunity to run together and, more importantly, have fun.
Although there is some spontaneity in that part, the truth is that concerning our preparation we have more discipline. That’s thanks to our coach Aris, who I mentioned previously. Starttech Runners generally practice in their free time, following training programs exclusively designed for each one of them.
Our current achievements
We ran our first race for this year two months ago on January. A small team of Starttech Runners competed in the Evrotas Half Marathon, two months ago. And now, here we are in April, with three more running events already behind us. Namely, the 5th Lycabettus Run, The Athens Half Marathon, and the 10th Poseidon Run – all of them in the Athens area.
Here’s a quick roll of fame of Starttech Runners and their performances.
Athens Half Marathon
- Our team participated in two races: 21.5 km and 5km
- Date: 17 March
- Starttech runners: 15
Half Marathon 21.5km
- 904 Palaiokostas Leonidas, Senior Software Engineer at Epignosis 1:43:01
- 6510 Tsingos Dimitris, Founder and Head of Entrepreneurship at Starttech 2:57:57
- 6511 Vakalopoulou Georgia, Sales Executive at Epignosis 2:23:33
- 3230 Konstantis Valentin, Software Engineer at Yodeck 2:03:05
5km Road Race
- 63228 Dimitriadi Valia, Sales Executive at Epignosis 0:31:25
- 55496 Panagopoulos Yiannis, Senior Software Engineer at Epignosis 0:28:19
- 55497 Logotheti Maria, Customer Support & Training Associate at Epignosis 0:36:32
- 55498 Pitatzis Savvas, Software Engineer at Epignosis 0:28:09
- 51489 Krypotos Georgios, CEO and Co-Founder at Pakia 0:31:48
- 63229 Zisopoulos Georgios, Software Engineer at Veturilo 0:32:30
- 51490 Depastas Vasilis, Business Development Manager at Yodeck 0:26:21
- 55499 Soltatou Angeliki, CMO at Pakia 0:38:36
- 63231 Casic Ana, Media Relations Coordinator at Epignosis 0:28:02
- 63232 Angeloudi Eirini, Software Engineer at Yodeck 0:38:56
- 51491 Michalopoulos Vangelis, CEO of Yodeck 0:34:44
5th Lycabettus Run
- Date: 10 March
- Starttech runners: 4
11 km Trail
- 45 Palaiokostas Leonidas, Senior Software Engineer at Epignosis 00:53:48.714
- 46 Konstantis Valentin, Software Engineer at Yodeck 00:57:17.425
4.5 Trail
- 446 Casic Ana, Media Relations Coordinator at Epignosis 00:32:12.369
- 445 Vakalopoulou Georgia, Sales Executive at Epignosis 00:33:32.489
10th Poseidon Half Marathon
- Date: 21 April
- People: 18
- 11245 Krypotos Georgios, CEO and Co-Founder at Pakia 01:13:16
- 11313 Palaiokostas Leonidas, Senior Software Engineer at Epignosis 0:48:42
- 11198 Zisopoulos Georgios, Software Engineer at Veturilo 01:13:16
- 5298 Dimitriadi Valia, Sales Executive at Epignosis 0:30:29
- 5478 Konstantis Valentin, Software Engineer at Yodeck 0:22:19
- 5510 Logotheti Maria, Customer Support & Training Associate at Epignosis 0:37:46
- 5557 Michalopoulos Vangelis, CEO of Yodeck 0:31:54
- 5624 Panagopoulos Yiannis, Senior Software Engineer at Epignosis 0:30:25
- 5724 Soltatou Angeliki, CMO at Pakia 0:37:50
- 5199 Vakalopoulou Georgia, Sales Executive at Epignosis 0:29:06
- 5316 Drouka Giota, Customer Success Associate 0:37:46
- 5104 Casic Ana, Media Relations Coordinator at Epignosis 0:44:49
- 5712 Sveronis Kostas, Support Engineer 0:39:19
- 5658 Paschalaki Kelly, Customer Success Manager 0:36:47
- 5327 Zourbakis Nikos, Software Engineer 0:37:50
- 5651 Parathyras Thanassis, Co-Founder & CTO at Stackmasters 0:31:57
- 5674 Petsali Natali, Customer Success Manager at Epignosis 0:28:54
- 5153 Tsingos Dimitris, Founder and Head of Entrepreneurship at Starttech 0:34:54
Half Marathon 21.5 km
- 22241 Depastas Vasilis, Business Development Manager at Yodeck 02:10:15
A huge congratulations to all of our Starttech runners. And here’s to many more. We keep running on, and on with well-being at work in our hearts, as well as a huge dose of fun.
The path to a healthy way of life
For us at Starttech, well-being at work is, of course, about much more than running. Our other activities around the subject of well-being are well documented. From language classes and fitness training, to nutrition advice and our open library for both work and personal development, we strive for that healthy body and healthy mind ideal.
Running, as well as these other side activities, in like fashion, give us the opportunity to follow a healthier way of life and spend time together. Having fun and achieving goals is really important for someone who’s working in a startup or a scale-up. In other words, you need focus, motivation and drive, just like for half-marathons and running events.
Our end goal? To finish each working day better for it on the other side. Both personally and professionally.