‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the co-working space, not an entrepreneur or startupper was stirring. Not even the clicking of a mouse (or tapping of a keyboard) could be heard.

I understand that for many of you out there, this idyllic scene in Clement Clarke Moore’s classic poem (the startup-friendly adapted version) may not be the reality. Perhaps your business is in chaos. The servers are down, or you’re worrying about customer retention and product development. Or why those sales leads aren’t turning into converted customers. Is it your business model?
Let’s face it, if you run a startup or business, is there ever such a thing as a holiday slowdown? Yes, there may be a slight drop off in new signups or orders. But, even when there’s going on commercially, there’s usually always something to do.
Hey you, entrepreneur, ‘tis the season to ignore the “to do’s”
But, hear this. You need to power down and have a stress-free holiday season. If not for you, for the other members of your team. And of course your family and friends. But mainly for yourself.
Trust me, I know. Your startup or business’ to-do list can sometimes seem daunting. It’s always there and never-ending. Factor in the things you have to do over the holiday season in your personal life and it can be overwhelming.
So, what you need are a few tips that can help you stay sane as well as maintain some perspective. If you follow them, then you can and you will meet the end of 2018 with total control. And even give yourself a little pat on the back. In truth, you know you deserve at least that.
Reflect on the year that was
This time of year is always apt to take a breath and review how your startup or business has done over the past twelve months. And the idea is not to berate yourself too much for the things that went pear-shaped. Nor is it to blow your own brass trumpet about what went really well. So what then? That magic word: learnings. Remember build-measure-learn? Yes, now is the time to identify those things that can serve as lessons to build an even stronger business and scale up even more into 2019.
How can you do this?
- Review your objectives that you made at the start of 2018. How many did you achieve? How many did you not?
- Lists are great fun. Not just for Mr. Claus. So jot down your top three most successful campaigns/activities/initiatives.
- And of course, so this process in reverse. List the three things you feel did not happen for you.
- Consolidate what learnings come out of those six things and add them to your objectives or business plan for 2019.
- You can even revisit your lean canvas plan (if you have one) and add items to it. If you don’t have one, shame on you. Make going lean a priority in 2019!
- Check your business model. Is it still correct or are there any improvements/adjustments you can make?
Analyze this…
No, I’m not going to advise you to go and see a psychiatrist. I’m talking about you business’ analytics. I know I said it’s time to relax, but this exercise can also be relaxing when you are away from the office and have some time for deep, creative thinking.
Google Analytics – Your numbers can tell you many things, so take some time to pour over them at your leisure, without the pressure of everyday tasks hanging over your head. Check to see if you’re bringing the traffic to your website that you want. How are conversion rates going?
Social – Check what’s happening in your social accounts and consider if you are effectively building the followings you want and attracting clients to your business via the channels you are using. Revise your strategies if need be accordingly.
Your assets – Last but not least, review your assets: your website, resources, blogs, and marketing materials. Is there anything missing? Any new trends you have yet to try out. Note them down and make a plan to try them in 2019.
Create that calendar and master plan
Now you have the information from the above two steps, whip it into shape in the form of a calendar and plan of attack for 2019. Evaluate where you want your business to go next year. What things do you want to stop doing, and what practices do you want to do more of, or start.
In terms of priorities, lists again are good here. But don’t go overboard. Just as you listed the three good and bad things from this year, define three top priorities you want and can deliver in 2019. They should be items that have the power to transform or scale-up your business.
Then it’s simple. Make a commitment to focus on these points. Ask yourself what you need to deliver on them and define the steps you’ll need to take, as well as the resources you’ll need. Create a plan around them, not a generic one which has them included as a “by the way”.
Get specific
With any plan, you need to be specific. Map out your activities and initiatives by quarter and month which are going to support the above priorities. Make an effort to mark out the important events that you want to attend, or accelerator pitches, conferences or workshops. Then highlight any marketing campaigns which are linked to your product roadmap, i.e. if you have any exciting functionalities, features, upgrades coming.
Get your PR plans weaved into your plan also. For example, are you planning on focusing purely on digital or are you going for offline – magazines and the printed press – to build your credibility. You will only get publicity if you start to plan for it. Identify the targets for your outreach. Bloggers, Forums, Social Media communities. Make a list of the media/journalists you want to target.
Last but not least, try removing as much as you can from your calendar based on what you did in 2018. More often than not, you try to do too much. Make sure all activities are focusing on those three top priorities you have noted.
Finally, do something completely different
If all of the above looks too much like work LITE for you, than try these:
- Unplug from social media. Yes, everyone will be sharing their festive photos and activities but try getting away from it all. Apps like the aptly-named cold turkey can help you detox. Instead of social catch up with your reading list.
- Watch comedies. “Kevin, what did you do to my room!”. Yes, it’s the season to binge watch feel-good festive movies such as Home Alone. Make your choices comedies and laugh all the way through.
- Get outside. It’s cold but who care? It’s Christmas. Go for a walk, bike ride, or hike. Even if there’s snow out, it can help to get out of the house and feel the sun and/or cold, crisp fresh air your face.
- Get Creative. Get that blog going, write in your journal (or start one), or even take up a new hobby you have always wanted, like painting or learning a language for example.
- Be a big kid. Remember Tom Hanks in the movie Big? Don’t you just want to be a kid again sometimes? Try recreating a cherished tradition from your childhood, whether it’s reading comics or cooking/baking with your mum.
Happy Christmas to all
Going back to the start and Clement Clarke Moore’s classic poem. There’s a lot to be said for just switching off for a change. Life moves fast and it’s the moments that make life great. So, on this Christmas Eve then, try to enjoy them. Drink them in, and be thankful. For a new year is coming and there’s a brand new chapter of your story just begging to be written.
To quote Moore,