Our e-learning geniuses in residence, the teams behind eFront and TalentLMS have collaborated on a freely available e-book. One that covers everything one needs to know about it; from the basic concepts to the latest trends.

TalentLMS — FREE e-book: e-Learning 101

A kind of “e-learning 101” course-in-a-book

The book starts with the very definition of the term, and goes on to present the fundamentals of learning platforms and online courses; as well as an overview of the available tools.

Those already familiar with the basic concepts of e-learning, will still find a wealth of information on current industry trends and future directions. Such as collaborative learning, gamification, micro-learning, and so on.

The book concludes with an examination of the myriads of applications for e-learning, in fields such as:

  • customer service,
  • sales training,
  • safety training,
  • healthcare training, etc.

Best practices and industry guidelines

Throughout the book, our experts focused religiously on accuracy, best practices and industry guidelines. It is, however, a work in progress. And will be updated and kept current as the field (and the e-learning industry) evolves.

So if you have any suggestions, corrections, or comments, please let us know.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s immediately available for free download?

Peri Ghika Peri Ghika

Pericles Nicolaos Ghikas (Peri Ghika) was born and raised in an agricultural family at the village of Kriekouki, in rural Attica, Greece. He later moved with his family to Keratsini, where he finished his secondary education. In 1997 he was admitted to the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete.