Just like the way to a man’s heart is invariably through the stomach (anyone who contests otherwise is simply wrong), the art to living well involves the same journey. The latter is a simple question of personal well-being.

I don’t know about you, but I often take my health for granted. This is of course as foolish as it is commonplace in my generation. I’m a xennial by the way. We can leave the millennials and generation Z out of this as they are far too healthy. Well done by the way.
Anyway, I digress. The point is you are what you eat. I’m doomed, but there’s still time for some of you to make a change. This is one of the key reasons we have begun a strong cooperation with www.dia-trofis.gr. More on that to come, just let me first explain the method to our madness.
Living well the Starttech way
What does living well even mean? Everybody’s definition of it may be quite different. But in broad terms we can safely say it means eating well, exercising and generally looking after yourself.
This is important, especially at work. Because, as you are probably aware, you spend a huge amount of time there. Naturally your workplace affects your diet, your physical fitness, and psychology. If you are lucky enough to work in an environment like Starttech (please allow us to blow our own trumpet a little) then you are in good shape. Why? Because you are surrounded daily by people who live and breath the concept of “a healthy mind in a healthy body”.
Or as we call it at Starttech, Anima Startup In Corpore Startup. Basically what that boils down to is trying to cultivate an “alternative” company culture. One which has personal development and growth at its core. A startup Venture Builder which not only cancels out the noise to let young startups flourish, but offers much more. So, as well as offering a free open-book library policy, workshops and trainings on Lean Startup, Agile, Digital Marketing and more, free foreign language courses, free endurance training, aerobic/cross-fit and yoga classes, we now also have free nutrition coaching. Some might say we are taking the concept of Lean Startup to a new level.
About dia-trofis.gr
Dia-trofis.gr is lead by Dimitris Petsios, a Clinical Dietitian-Nutritionist. Dimitris and his team have expertise in various fields, such as health intervention and prevention programs (nutritional and physical activity) for companies’ human resources. They offer new approaches to getting informed and communicating about health, well-being, diet and weight loss.
The partnership and program for Starttech
As Dimitris says: “We’re delighted to be working with Starttech and we hope everyone at the company will get involved and reap the benefits of what we do. Our approach is based on a pioneering model-technique for changing nutritional behavior based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Protocols (C.B.T.) developed by our team and in full agreement with modern scientific methods. This protocol is tailored to suit individual needs.”
So what program will we follow at Starttech?
The concept is that Starttech will follow a three-month seminar program consisting of nutrition education and dietetic guidance in order to improve all the health aspects of the participants (such as weight, body fat, blood counts, fitness level etc.). This will focus on long-term results via cognitive behavioral approaches. A seminar will take place (for approximately 1-2 hours) every 15 days (a total of 6 seminars) regarding relative, weekly goal assignments.
There will also be one-on-one meetings with a dietitian (personalized dietary follow-up) for every participant every 15 days (total 6 appointments for each participant), including health check, assessment of goal progress, implementation of a diet menu, body measurements, etc.
Finally, we’ll have a monthly follow-up for all participants after the three-month cycle for a total of six months to ensure and stabilize the positive changes and results, in the long run.
Beyond weight loss or diets
Clearly, living well goes beyond weight loss or going on a diet. And in order to make the move towards living well, professional nutrition counseling and advice is invaluable. And now all of our team members will have this service available. That is to say, scientifically-sound nutrition coaching in a professional way – regardless of aiming to lose weight, add weight or simply become healthier and happier.
Amen to living well.